Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited

40% face cream failed bio-toxicity tests. Internationally banned ingredient found in face cream products. Chronically intake may lead to vulvar and vaginal cancers

Vitargent published safe to buy list of face cream rated “Green Fish”
(Hong Kong, 13 March 2018) Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited (“Vitargent”) published test results of 30 popular face cream products under 30 brands available in the market on its Test-it™ information platform ( Known for its recent nine safety

Vitargent published safe to buy list follow-on formula milk powder rated “Green Fish”

 Vitargent published safe to buy list follow-on
formula milk powder rated “Green Fish”
(Hong Kong, 02 February 2018) Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited (“Vitargent”) published new test results following the previous investigation in cooking oil, BB cream, instant coffee, sunscreen, ice cream, lip balm, liquid milk products and lipstick. Vitargent

Over 80% lipstick samples pass bio-toxicity tests Preservatives found in more than half samples and some contain estrogenic endocrine disruptors potentially causing birth defects

Vitargent publishes safe to buy list of lipsticks rated as “Green Fish”
(Hong Kong, 14 December 2017) Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited (“Vitargent”) published test results of 31 popular lipstick products available in the market on its Test-it™ information platform ( Known for its safety examinations of cooking oil, BB

Nearly 20% milk products failed bio-toxicity tests Liquid milk is over 50% safer than milk beverages yet they are indistinguishable to consumers

Vitargent published safe to buy list of milk drink and milk beverages rated “Green Fish”
(Hong Kong, 23 November 2017) Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited (“Vitargent”) published test results of 68 popular liquid milk and milk beverage products under 29 brands available in the market on its Test-it™ information platform

30% of lip balm samples failed bio-toxicity tests Excessive EEDs and acute toxic substances identified potentially leading to allergy and rashes or induce cancer

Vitargent published safe to buy list of lip balms rated “Green Fish”
(Hong Kong, 17 October 2017) Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited (“Vitargent”) is known for the earlier published safety examination of cooking oil, BB cream, instant coffee, sun cream and ice-cream on Test-itTM platform (, and Vitargent is now

30% of ice-cream samples failed bio-toxicity tests and tested positive for acute and chronic toxicants

Vitargent published
safe to buy list of ice-creams rated “Green Fish”
(Hong Kong, 21 September 2017) Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited (“Vitargent”) published test results of 29 popular ice-cream products under 9 brands available in the market on its Test-it™ information platform ( Known for its safety examination of cooking

Over 50% of sunscreen samples failed bio-toxicity tests More than 20 types of estrogenic endocrine disruptors identified, potentially causing cancer and affecting fertility

 Vitargent published safe to buy list of sunscreens rated “Green Fish”
(Hong Kong, 17 August 2017) Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited (“Vitargent”) published the test results of 51 popular sunscreen products on the Test-it™ platform ( Known for its safety examination of cooking oil, BB cream and instant coffee, Vitargent

30% of instant coffee samples failed biotoxicity test and some contain 90% additives

Vitargent publishes safe to buy list of instant coffee rated “Green Fish”
(Hong Kong, 13 July 2017) Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited (“Vitargent”) extends its reach to coffee products and publishes test results of instant coffee products available in the market on its Test-it™ information platform ( Known for its

BB霜「綠魚」安全購買榜單 新聞發佈會

國際知名品牌被驗出高濃度類雌激素 毒性含量接近一粒避孕丸
(香港,2017年6月12日) 水中銀(國際)生物科技有限公司(水中銀)的小魚親測平台( 繼上月食用油檢測發佈後,進軍化妝品領域,以港人發明,全球獨家「轉基因鯖鱂魚」及「斑馬魚」胚胎毒性測試技術為市面43個暢銷BB霜及氣墊BB霜樣本進行檢測。結果顯示,於樣本安全測試中,24個樣本顯示為綠魚 (代表品質卓越)、1個樣本為黃魚 (代表基本合格),18個樣本為紅魚 (代表有待改善)。有國際知名BB霜品牌被驗出高濃度類雌激素,當中,類雌激素含量最高的樣本,每克接近一粒避孕丸。另外,結果亦發現,大多數標籤防曬系數(SPF)功能的樣本,其SPF數值越高,未能通過安全測試的樣本數目亦會相對提高,市民於選購時須加倍留意。
BB霜或含有害化學物質 水中銀透過嶄新生物測試Testing 2.0技術助檢測
隨著日、韓彩妝產品大熱,BB霜熱潮直捲本港,其功能由原來的遮瑕、修護,演變至防曬、保濕、美白、淡斑、抗皺等,用途廣泛。然而,在選擇彩妝產品時,市民容易忽略了產品附加的功能或包含化學物質,有機會增加皮膚敏感的風險,導致紅腫、痕癢等過敏反應。有見及此,水中銀於2016至2017年間,從各大化妝品品牌專櫃、網上平台(Amazon、網易、京東,天貓)選購了32個品牌,共43個BB霜及氣墊BB霜樣本作魚胚胎毒性檢測,當中包含了國際知名品牌如YvesSaintLaurent, M.A.C., Dior, Innisfree, SKII, Laneige, Shisheido, 雪肌精, 雪花秀等。
水中銀首席執行官杜偉樑先生表示:「水中銀以魚胚胎生物測試Testing 2.0技術為BB霜樣本進行檢測,並根據檢測結果把產品安全屬性分為三類:綠魚—黃魚—紅魚,發佈於轄下網上消費品安全資訊平台 —『小魚親測』,讓消費者易於識別在零售店購買的產品其安全屬性。有別於傳統化學測試,生物測試可於48小時內篩選超過1,000種有毒化學物,覆蓋不在恆常檢測範圍內的指標。」

四成BB霜未能通過安全檢測 亞洲產地較歐美優勝

「小魚親測」檢測結果顯示,於43個BB霜樣本當中,24個樣本顯示為綠魚 (代表品質卓越)、1個樣本為黃魚 (代表基本合格),18個樣本為紅魚 (代表有待改善)。
就品牌生產地,亞洲與歐美相比下表現較佳,半數或以上的亞洲品牌被列入綠魚 [綠魚佔15個(58%),黄魚1個(4%),红魚9個(38%)]。其中,日本出產的樣本,綠魚比例高達88%;而韓國出產的樣本,綠魚比例亦高於80%。
知名BB霜被驗出高濃度類雌激素 含量如同避孕丸

40 percent of best selling BB Creams do not pass biotechnological toxicity screening World renowned brands contain high concentration of estrogen Toxicity level equivalent to a contraceptive pill

40 percent of best selling BB Creams do not pass biotechnological toxicity screening
World renowned brands contain high concentration of estrogen
Toxicity level equivalent to a contraceptive pill
(Hong Kong, May 23rd, 2017) Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited known for applying its proprietary “Transgenic Medaka” and “Zebrafish Fish” Embryo Toxicity