Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited

The Amazing Stars In Forbes Asia 30 Under 30 Are Tough To Beat

The next generation of Asia’s rising stars promises to build upon the progress of technology startups in the region, and surpass it. If you read the profiles of the winners in Forbes Asia’s list of millennial-age superstars, you’ll see what I mean.
These up and comers are in all kinds



(香港,2015 年 7 月 19 日)最近本港多个屋苑出现「铅水风波」,令人担心食水及食物安 全问题的严重性。一般情况而言,食水在进入大厦的供水系统后,便缺乏恒常检测以引致水 质难获保障。是次问题主角「铅」实是众多有机会出现在食水中的毒素之一,今天我们只是 窥见冰山一角


Green-Glowing Minnows Turn Product-Safety Pawns in China

Tiny fish that glow green and morph in the presence of toxins are joining front-line efforts in China to improve product safety.
Backed by a well-known Chinese venture capitalist, Hong Kong-based startup Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Ltd. says it’s developed fish-based tests for more than 1,000 toxic chemicals that could help


Vitargent (International) Biotechnology

Imagine a fish embryo biologically engineered to turn fluorescent green when exposed to toxins that could harm humans. This isn’t science fiction, but rather the work of Hong Kong-based startup Vitargent.
China’s tainted-milk-powder scandal in 2008 raised widespread concerns about food safety in the country, prompting Chinese entrepreneur Eric Chen
